Reiki Healing

Holistic Therapies

Reiki Healing

Experience transformative Reiki healing at Lisa J Healing in Milton Keynes. Specializing in Usui Reiki, Karuna Ki Reiki, and EnSofic Reiki, our sessions promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Book your Reiki session today for a journey toward balance and harmony.

Reiki Healing for Body, Soul and spirit

Welcome to Lisa J Healing, where the ancient and profound practice of Reiki is available to support your journey toward physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Located in Milton Keynes, Lisa J Healing offers a sanctuary where you can experience the transformative power of Reiki.
Usui Reiki for deep relaxation and gentle healing. Karuna Ki Reiki to bring in a greater sense of compassion and deeper healing on all levels. EnSofic Reiki for those who are committed to doing spiritual work and healing the deepest of wounds on the path to Know Thyself.

Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive healing technique that channels universal life force energy to promote balance and harmony within the body, mind, emotions, and etheric structures. Whether you are seeking relief from stress, emotional healing, or spiritual growth, Reiki provides a powerful pathway to restore every aspect of you. Reiki works across time and space, working to restore the moment in which you experienced the true cause of the issue.

Usui Reiki Healing

usui reiki

Usui Reiki Healing

What is Usui Reiki?

Usui Reiki is the traditional form of Reiki that originated in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui. It focuses on restoring the body’s natural energy flow, helping to release energy blockages that can cause physical and emotional discomfort. Usui Reiki sessions at Lisa J Healing are personalized to meet your unique needs, whether you’re looking to relieve stress, heal from past traumas, or simply bring more peace and tranquility into your life. During your session, Lisa will use gentle hand placements to flow reiki healing energy into your body, promoting deep relaxation and self-healing.

Usui Reiki Healing

Benefits of Usui Reiki

Reduces stress and anxiety
– Promotes relaxation and mental clarity
– Supports emotional healing and trauma release
– Enhances spiritual growth and awareness

Woman Lying on the Floor Having reiki
Hands hovering above a person's body, channeling healing energy during a Reiki session to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being

usui reiki healing

Who is Usui Reiki for?

Usui Reiki is suitable for everyone, regardless of age or physical condition. It is particularly beneficial for those experiencing stress, anxiety, chronic pain, or emotional imbalance. Certain medical diagnoses will need written permission from your specialist or consultant. This will be discussed with you once you have booked your appointment.
Lisa has experience of working with:
– Prenatal and post natal mothers and families
– Fertility issues
– Hormone imbalances
– Autoimmune conditions
– Those in elderly care and their families
– Those in palliative care and their families
– Pre and post surgical recovery
– Carers, nurses and people who work in the caring professions

Karuna Ki Reiki Healing

Karuna Ki Reiki session for deep emotional healing at Lisa J Healing.

Karuna Ki Reiki Healing

What is Karuna Ki Reiki?

Karuna Ki Reiki, often referred to as the Reiki of Compassion, is an advanced form of Reiki that enhances the healing process by working at a deeper emotional and spiritual level. This practice incorporates the energies of love, compassion, and forgiveness, making it ideal for those seeking to heal deep-seated emotional wounds. At Lisa J Healing, Karuna Ki Reiki sessions are tailored to help you connect with your inner self, release negative patterns, and embrace your true potential.

karuna ki Reiki Healing

Benefits of Karuna Ki Reiki

– Deep emotional healing and release
– Promotes self-love and compassion
– Enhances spiritual awareness and connection
– Assists in overcoming fear and anxiety

karuna ki reiki in milton keynes for compassion and releasing of emotional wounds

Karuna Ki reiki healing

Who is Karuna Ki Reiki for?

Karuna Ki Reiki is especially beneficial for individuals who are working through deep emotional pain, past traumas, or are seeking to elevate their spiritual practice.

EnSofic Reiki Healing

ensofic reiki at Lisa J Healing in Milton Keynes

EnSofic Reiki Healing

What is EnSofic Reiki?

EnSofic Reiki is a powerful and ancient form of Reiki, rooted in the esoteric teachings of the Mystery School tradition. Unlike other forms of Reiki, EnSofic Reiki works on all levels of the body—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It is a profound healing modality that can lead to deep transformation and enlightenment. At Lisa J Healing, EnSofic Reiki is offered as part of a holistic healing journey, helping you to align with your higher self, clear negative energies, and step into your true power fully prepared to walk the path of progression in the Mystery School tradition of Know Thyself.

EnSofic Reiki Healing

Benefits of EnSofic Reiki

– Aligns and balances the body on all levels
– Clears deep-seated negative energies
– Promotes spiritual awakening and enlightenment
– Enhances clarity and personal empowerment

karuna ki reiki in milton keynes for compassion and releasing of emotional wounds

EnSofic reiki healing

Who is EnSofic Reiki for?

EnSofic Reiki is ideal for those who are committed to deep
spiritual work, looking to clear blocks that prevent them from living their
fullest potential, and those seeking a profound shift in their life.

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