Men as Protectors: Embracing the Divine Masculine and Feminine in Hermetic Wisdom

Men as Protectors: Embracing the Divine Masculine and Feminine in Hermetic Wisdom

Today’s World

In today’s world, we often hear discussions about gender roles and the evolving nature of what it means to be masculine or feminine. Yet, one timeless truth remains—men are meant to be protectors, not in the sense of dominance or control, but as guardians of balance, harmony, and sacred connection. This role of protector is rooted deeply in Hermetic wisdom, where the divine masculine and feminine energies exist in balance to create a harmonious and enlightened life.

When men step into their true role as protectors, they aren’t just safeguarding physical safety—they are nurturing, protecting, and uplifting the spiritual energy within themselves and the people around them. This is about embodying the divine masculine: a force that acts with strength, wisdom, compassion, and honor.

But in the world we see today, many men have lost touch with this sacred calling. Why? Because we are seeing the rise of what Hermetic philosophy calls the shadow feminine—the distortion of feminine energy that manifests in manipulative behaviors, control through fear, and the glorification of ego in both celebrity culture and everyday life. This shadow energy calls for men to step up, not by overpowering, but by embodying the true qualities of the divine masculine, balancing the scales, and returning harmony to themselves and the world around them.

What is the Divine Masculine?

The divine masculine, as taught in Hermetic traditions, is not about toxic masculinity or societal expectations of power and control. It is about spiritual leadership, strength through compassion, and acting as a force for good. The divine masculine holds the space for others to grow, protects without seeking reward, and leads through integrity and honor.

In Hermetic teachings, especially those preserved within the lineage of King Salomon in the Modern Mystery School, the masculine energy is seen as a guiding light—decisive, strong, and purposeful. This energy complements the divine feminine, which is nurturing, intuitive, and creative. Together, these forces bring balance and harmony. When either energy falls into its shadow aspect, imbalance arises. This is what we see in the world today, with the rise of the shadow feminine and the need for the divine masculine to step into its rightful role.

The Shadow Feminine: What We See Today

The shadow feminine is a distortion of true feminine energy. Instead of nurturing and creating, it seeks to manipulate, control, and gain power through fear or emotional dominance. We see this reflected in celebrity culture, where superficiality and ego-driven behaviors are glorified, and in our everyday lives, where emotional manipulation and insecurity often create toxic relationships and environments.

The rise of the shadow feminine doesn’t just affect women; it affects men too. It leads many men to feel lost, unsure of their roles, and disconnected from their true nature. But instead of responding to this shadow with aggression or force, the answer lies in embracing the divine masculine and stepping into the role of protector—not just of the physical world, but of the spiritual and energetic balance between masculine and feminine.

Men as Protectors: What Does It Mean?

To be a protector in the true Hermetic sense means much more than guarding against physical harm. It means holding space for others to grow, ensuring that balance is maintained, and stepping into a leadership role rooted in love, compassion, and spiritual wisdom. This protection is not about dominating or controlling, but about guiding and nurturing—much like a warrior who protects the sacred temple.

The modern protector is a man who understands that his strength lies in his wisdom, his ability to create safety and peace, and his commitment to living a life aligned with the divine principles of truth and light. The Hermetic teachings of King Salomon emphasize that when men step into this sacred role, they are fulfilling their divine potential, balancing their own masculine and feminine energies, and helping create a world that is more harmonious, balanced, and peaceful.

Reclaiming the Role of Protector Through Life Activation

To step into this role of protector, men must first reconnect with their inner light. One of the most powerful ways to do this is through the Life Activation, an ancient healing modality from the lineage of King Salomon, preserved within the Modern Mystery School. Life Activation works by infusing light into the DNA, awakening dormant spiritual potential, and helping individuals reconnect with their higher purpose.

When men undergo a Life Activation, they realign with the divine masculine, rediscover their innate strength and purpose, and regain the clarity needed to protect and uplift others. This is a critical step on the path to reclaiming the role of protector and living in alignment with Hermetic principles.

Steps for Men to Reclaim Their Divine Role


You said:

Help me write an engaging Facebook post about the need for Men to be the protectors, to embrace the Hermetic divine masculine and feminine. Explain how we are currently seeing the shadow feminine in celebrity and in day to day

ChatGPT said:


Here’s a suggested Facebook post that weaves in the themes you’re looking to address:

Men as Protectors: Embracing the Hermetic Divine Masculine and Feminine

In a world where confusion about roles and identities often clouds our judgment, it’s more important than ever for men to embrace their true calling as protectors and leaders. The Hermetic traditions remind us of the sacred balance between the divine masculine and feminine. True strength doesn’t come from dominance or aggression, but from standing grounded in our purpose—to protect, uplift, and honor the energies that surround us.

We are witnessing the rise of the shadow feminine all around us—in celebrity culture, where attention-seeking and manipulation are glorified, and even in our daily lives, where emotional imbalances and power struggles seem rampant. This shadow distorts the true, nurturing essence of the feminine. But it also calls for men to step up, not with force, but with compassion, clarity, and strength rooted in wisdom.

It’s time for men to reawaken their divine masculine—one that doesn’t shy away from the sacred feminine, but honors it in its highest form. When we, as men, embrace our role as protectors of this balance, we not only uplift women, but we also heal our communities and bring harmony back into the world.

Brothers, are you ready to reclaim this role? To protect, to heal, and to restore balance? Let’s embrace the wisdom of the divine masculine and feminine, and lead with heart and strength.

#DivineMasculine #HermeticBalance #ProtectAndUplift #ShadowFeminine #HealingJourney #MasculineWisdom #SacredFeminine #AwakenYourPotential

This post touches on the themes of protecting the balance between the masculine and feminine, while also addressing the current cultural shift you’re observing.


You said:

What is Light? In hermetics it is…. Why are we feeling lost? Because we feel disconnected from the light. Help me with this blog post

ChatGPT said:


Here’s a draft for your blog post, exploring the concept of light in Hermetics and why many feel disconnected:

What is Light? In Hermetics, It Is…

We often hear the phrase, “Go toward the light” or “Be a light in the world,” but what does that really mean? In Hermetic philosophy, light represents something much deeper than physical illumination. It is the essence of truth, wisdom, and divine connection. Light is a manifestation of the universal consciousness, the creative force that underpins all of existence. It is the purest expression of life itself—both seen and unseen.

In Hermetic teachings, the light is both a literal and symbolic force. It represents our higher selves, our connection to the divine, and the potential to awaken our inner wisdom. When we are in tune with the light, we feel grounded, purposeful, and fully alive. It gives us clarity and allows us to see beyond the physical world into the realms of the spiritual.

But why, in today’s world, do so many of us feel lost?

Feeling Lost: Disconnection from the Light

Many of us feel like we’re wandering through life, unsure of our purpose, disconnected from our inner truth. This sense of loss, of confusion, stems from our disconnection from the light. We are surrounded by distractions—technology, societal pressures, celebrity culture—things that often feed the ego but starve the soul. Instead of seeking connection with the divine light, many turn to external validation or material success, leaving us feeling hollow and unfulfilled.

In Hermetics, this disconnection from light is understood as a separation from our true essence. When we are disconnected from light, we lose our sense of direction. We find ourselves living in shadow, weighed down by fear, uncertainty, and doubt. The farther we drift from the light, the more we feel lost in the noise and chaos of the external world.

So how do we reconnect with the light?

Reclaiming Our Connection to the Light

To restore our connection with the light, we must begin by turning inward. This is the essence of Hermetic wisdom—true light comes from within. Meditation, self-reflection, and spiritual practice are all tools to help us reconnect with this divine source. We must quiet the mind, let go of distractions, and focus on aligning ourselves with our higher purpose.

The first step is acknowledging that the light is always within us, even if it feels distant. When we begin to consciously seek the light, we start to feel that deep sense of belonging and purpose again. The light clears away the shadows of doubt and fear, bringing with it clarity, strength, and peace.

Light is Our True Compass

In times of uncertainty, it’s easy to feel adrift, but remember: the light is your guide. It is the compass that points us back to our true path. When we align ourselves with the light, we reconnect with the divine, and in that connection, we rediscover who we truly are.

Are you feeling lost? It’s time to reconnect with the light. Through Hermetic principles and spiritual practice, you can reclaim the divine light within you and live a life filled with purpose, clarity, and love.

This draft emphasizes the Hermetic concept of light as the core of divine wisdom and truth, while addressing the modern feeling of disconnection many experience. Let me know if you’d like to tweak any sections!


You said:

Add in the Life Activation as a way to connect to the light. Also add in the Hermetic lineage of King Salomon in the Modern Mystery School. At at end add the steps 1. Life Activation 2. Empower Thyself and Initiation 3. Healers Academy 4. Ritual Master Path 5. Universal Ray Kabbalah

ChatGPT said:


Here’s a revised version of your blog post with the additions you requested:

What is Light? In Hermetics, It Is…

We often hear phrases like, “Be a light in the world” or “Walk in the light,” but what does this truly mean in a deeper, spiritual sense? In Hermetic philosophy, light represents much more than physical illumination. It is the essence of divine truth, wisdom, and universal consciousness. Light is the source of all creation, a force that brings clarity, understanding, and a sense of purpose to our lives.

Within Hermetic teachings, especially those passed down through the lineage of King Salomon in the Modern Mystery School, light represents our connection to the divine, the purest form of knowledge and life force energy. It’s through this connection that we realize our potential and live in alignment with our higher purpose.

Why Are We Feeling Lost?

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us feel lost—disconnected from our inner truth, unsure of our purpose, and overwhelmed by external pressures. This sense of disconnection stems from a loss of connection to the light. Instead of seeking out that divine, guiding force, we often turn to fleeting distractions like material success, social media, or external validation. These may provide temporary satisfaction but ultimately leave us feeling unfulfilled.

When we are not connected to the light, we exist in a state of imbalance, living in the shadows of fear, doubt, and confusion. The farther we drift from the light, the more lost we feel. But this disconnection is not permanent—it can be healed. And one of the most powerful ways to reconnect to the light is through the Life Activation.

Life Activation: Reconnect with the Light

The Life Activation is an ancient healing modality handed down through the Hermetic lineage of King Salomon in the Modern Mystery School. This profound process awakens dormant spiritual potential within you and reconnects you to the light, allowing you to access deeper levels of clarity, purpose, and empowerment. The activation works by infusing light into your DNA, opening pathways to your higher self, and enabling you to align more fully with your divine purpose.

By undergoing a Life Activation, you experience an awakening to your true potential and begin to reconnect with that inner light—the light that has always been within you. This is the first step on the path to reclaiming your divine essence and living a life of greater meaning and purpose.

The Hermetic Lineage of King Salomon in the Modern Mystery School

The teachings and practices that guide us toward the light have been preserved and passed down through the ages within the Hermetic lineage of King Salomon. This lineage is preserved today by the Modern Mystery School, where ancient wisdom and tools for spiritual growth are made accessible to those seeking to reconnect with the divine.

King Salomon, a legendary figure in both mysticism and history, brought together spiritual masters from across the world over 3,000 years ago to create a unified system of enlightenment—a system that could empower individuals to fully access the light and live in alignment with their highest selves. These teachings have been safeguarded and are still taught to this day within the Modern Mystery School, guiding those who are ready to embrace their divine nature and step into their true potential.

Steps to Reconnect with the Light Through the Hermetic Path

Reconnecting with the light is a journey, and the Modern Mystery School offers a structured path to help you align with this divine energy. Here are the key steps along this journey:

  1. Life Activation
    This is the first and most crucial step. Through the Life Activation, you infuse light into your DNA, awaken your higher self, and begin your journey of spiritual empowerment.
  2. Empower Thyself and Initiation
    After your Life Activation, the next step is the Empower Thyself program, which includes initiation into the lineage of King Salomon. This initiation gives you access to sacred teachings and powerful tools to protect your light and stay connected to your divine purpose.
  3. Healers Academy
    If you feel called to help others awaken and heal, the Healers Academy trains you to perform the Life Activation for others. This step deepens your connection to the light and your understanding of Hermetic teachings while empowering you to be a healer in your community.
  4. Ritual Master Path
    The Ritual Master Path is for those who wish to take a leadership role in the spiritual realm. As a Ritual Master, you learn how to work with both light and dark energies, bringing balance to yourself and others, while standing as a protector of humanity.
  5. Universal Ray Kabbalah
    The Universal Ray Kabbalah offers a deep dive into the Tree of Life, providing tools to ascend spiritually while living fully in the material world. This program helps you reach your highest potential by guiding you to integrate the light into all aspects of your life.

By following these steps, you can reclaim your connection to the divine light and align with your true purpose. The journey to the light is one of empowerment, transformation, and profound spiritual awakening. If you feel lost or disconnected, remember: the light is always within you, and the Hermetic path offers the wisdom and tools to help you reconnect.

This version integrates the Life Activation, the Hermetic lineage of King Salomon, and the structured path within the Modern Mystery School for reconnecting with the light. Let me know if you’d like further adjustments!


You said:

rewrite and extend for a blog post please – local seo, seo and keywords separated by commas

ChatGPT said:

ChatGPTMemory updated

Here’s a more extended version of your blog post, optimized for SEO and local SEO, incorporating the elements you mentioned:

What is Light? In Hermetics, It Is…

In the fast-paced modern world, many of us find ourselves seeking clarity, purpose, and a deeper connection to something greater than ourselves. But what is the root of this search? In Hermetic philosophy, light is not just a physical phenomenon—it represents divine wisdom, spiritual awakening, and the universal life force that connects all living things. Light is the essence of truth, healing, and the very core of our being.

According to Hermetic teachings, passed down through the ancient lineage of King Salomon and preserved within the Modern Mystery School, light is the manifestation of universal consciousness. It is the force that illuminates the path to spiritual growth and personal empowerment, revealing the truth of who we are and our connection to the divine. Through the teachings of the Hermetic tradition, we are reminded that we each carry this light within us, even if we sometimes feel disconnected from it.

Why Do We Feel Lost? Disconnection from the Light

Many people today feel lost, anxious, or uncertain about their purpose in life. This sense of disconnection stems from a deeper issue—being out of alignment with the light. When we lose touch with our inner light, we experience confusion, fear, and a lack of direction. In both our day-to-day lives and the wider world around us, this disconnection can manifest as stress, dissatisfaction, and a constant search for external validation.

We see this disconnection reflected in society today, where shadow aspects of the feminine are glorified in celebrity culture and everyday life. This shadow feminine energy is focused on manipulation, external appearances, and power struggles, distancing us from the nurturing, intuitive, and life-giving energy of the divine feminine. As a result, we are thrown off balance, moving away from both the divine masculine and feminine energies that help us live in harmony.

The good news is that this disconnection is not permanent, and there are ways to realign with the light. One of the most powerful tools available to us is the Life Activation, an ancient healing modality rooted in Hermetic teachings.

Life Activation: Reconnect to Your Inner Light

The Life Activation is a powerful, ancient practice passed down through the Hermetic lineage of King Salomon, preserved by the Modern Mystery School. This healing modality works by infusing light directly into your DNA, reawakening your dormant spiritual potential and re-establishing your connection to the light. It’s like switching on a beacon within your soul, allowing you to access your true purpose and regain clarity, strength, and peace.

When you undergo a Life Activation, the process helps clear away the energetic blockages that have accumulated over time—blockages that dim your inner light. Once these are removed, the light begins to flow through you freely, illuminating your true path and allowing you to live in greater harmony with yourself and the world around you.

The Hermetic Lineage of King Salomon in the Modern Mystery School

The teachings of light and the sacred tools for spiritual growth have been safeguarded for thousands of years within the Hermetic lineage of King Salomon. This lineage, still practiced today within the Modern Mystery School, offers a unique system of enlightenment designed to help individuals fully access their divine potential and live in harmony with the light.

Over 3,000 years ago, King Salomon brought together spiritual masters from across the world to unify their wisdom and develop a system for awakening human potential. These teachings have been preserved through the ages, passed down from teacher to student, and remain accessible to anyone who seeks to reconnect with the light and align with their divine purpose.

Through this sacred lineage, you can embark on a journey of spiritual empowerment, healing, and transformation—reclaiming your connection to the light and living your life with renewed purpose and clarity.

Steps to Reconnect with the Light Through the Hermetic Path

Reconnecting with the light is a journey that unfolds in stages, and the Modern Mystery School provides a structured path to guide you through this process. Here are the key steps you can take to realign with the light and awaken your true potential:

  1. Life Activation
    The first and most crucial step is the Life Activation. This powerful healing modality opens up your spiritual potential, infusing light into your DNA and helping you realign with your higher self. After receiving a Life Activation, many people report feeling more focused, grounded, and connected to their life’s purpose.
  2. Empower Thyself and Initiation
    After your Life Activation, the next step is the Empower Thyself program, which includes an initiation into the sacred lineage of King Salomon. This initiation grants you access to ancient teachings and spiritual tools that empower you to protect and nurture your light, enhancing your connection to your divine purpose.
  3. Healers Academy
    If you feel called to help others along their spiritual path, the Healers Academy provides in-depth training to perform the Life Activation for others. By becoming a healer, you further deepen your own connection to the light while helping to spread healing and empowerment throughout your community.
  4. Ritual Master Path
    The Ritual Master Path is for those who seek to take on greater responsibility in the spiritual realm. As a Ritual Master, you learn to work with both light and dark energies to bring balance and protection to yourself and others, standing as a guardian of the light.
  5. Universal Ray Kabbalah
    The Universal Ray Kabbalah program offers a profound journey into the Tree of Life, guiding you to ascend spiritually while living fully in the material world. This advanced program helps you integrate the light into every aspect of your life, empowering you to reach your highest potential.

Conclusion: Reclaim Your Connection to the Light

In a world where many feel lost and disconnected, the Hermetic teachings of light provide a path back to wholeness, clarity, and divine purpose. Through practices like the Life Activation and the profound teachings of the Modern Mystery School, you can reconnect with the light within and live a life filled with meaning, balance, and empowerment.

If you’re ready to reclaim your connection to the light, I invite you to take the first step with a Life Activation. From there, the journey toward spiritual empowerment and enlightenment will unfold, guiding you to live as your highest self.

Keywords: Life Activation, reconnect with the light, Hermetic teachings, King Salomon lineage, Modern Mystery School, spiritual awakening, divine feminine, divine masculine, healing modality, spiritual empowerment, Milton Keynes holistic therapy, Milton Keynes Reiki, energy healing London, spiritual transformation, spiritual initiation, Milton Keynes life activation, light infusion DNA, ancient healing practices

Local SEO Keywords: Milton Keynes Life Activation, Milton Keynes Reiki practitioner, London spiritual healer, London energy healing, holistic therapies Milton Keynes, spiritual retreats London, King Salomon lineage healing, energy healing Milton Keynes, Reiki in London, Modern Mystery School Milton Keynes, life purpose Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes meditation, Milton Keynes wellness


You said:

rewrite men as protectors in an extended blog post with seo etc

ChatGPT said:


Here’s an extended blog post version of “Men as Protectors,” optimized for SEO and local SEO, with relevant keywords for your services:

Men as Protectors: Embracing the Divine Masculine and Feminine in Hermetic Wisdom

In today’s world, we often hear discussions about gender roles and the evolving nature of what it means to be masculine or feminine. Yet, one timeless truth remains—men are meant to be protectors, not in the sense of dominance or control, but as guardians of balance, harmony, and sacred connection. This role of protector is rooted deeply in Hermetic wisdom, where the divine masculine and feminine energies exist in balance to create a harmonious and enlightened life.

When men step into their true role as protectors, they aren’t just safeguarding physical safety—they are nurturing, protecting, and uplifting the spiritual energy within themselves and the people around them. This is about embodying the divine masculine: a force that acts with strength, wisdom, compassion, and honor.

But in the world we see today, many men have lost touch with this sacred calling. Why? Because we are seeing the rise of what Hermetic philosophy calls the shadow feminine—the distortion of feminine energy that manifests in manipulative behaviors, control through fear, and the glorification of ego in both celebrity culture and everyday life. This shadow energy calls for men to step up, not by overpowering, but by embodying the true qualities of the divine masculine, balancing the scales, and returning harmony to themselves and the world around them.

What is the Divine Masculine?

The divine masculine, as taught in Hermetic traditions, is not about toxic masculinity or societal expectations of power and control. It is about spiritual leadership, strength through compassion, and acting as a force for good. The divine masculine holds the space for others to grow, protects without seeking reward, and leads through integrity and honor.

In Hermetic teachings, especially those preserved within the lineage of King Salomon in the Modern Mystery School, the masculine energy is seen as a guiding light—decisive, strong, and purposeful. This energy complements the divine feminine, which is nurturing, intuitive, and creative. Together, these forces bring balance and harmony. When either energy falls into its shadow aspect, imbalance arises. This is what we see in the world today, with the rise of the shadow feminine and the need for the divine masculine to step into its rightful role.

The Shadow Feminine: What We See Today

The shadow feminine is a distortion of true feminine energy. Instead of nurturing and creating, it seeks to manipulate, control, and gain power through fear or emotional dominance. We see this reflected in celebrity culture, where superficiality and ego-driven behaviors are glorified, and in our everyday lives, where emotional manipulation and insecurity often create toxic relationships and environments.

The rise of the shadow feminine doesn’t just affect women; it affects men too. It leads many men to feel lost, unsure of their roles, and disconnected from their true nature. But instead of responding to this shadow with aggression or force, the answer lies in embracing the divine masculine and stepping into the role of protector—not just of the physical world, but of the spiritual and energetic balance between masculine and feminine.

Men as Protectors: What Does It Mean?

To be a protector in the true Hermetic sense means much more than guarding against physical harm. It means holding space for others to grow, ensuring that balance is maintained, and stepping into a leadership role rooted in love, compassion, and spiritual wisdom. This protection is not about dominating or controlling, but about guiding and nurturing—much like a warrior who protects the sacred temple.

The modern protector is a man who understands that his strength lies in his wisdom, his ability to create safety and peace, and his commitment to living a life aligned with the divine principles of truth and light. The Hermetic teachings of King Salomon emphasize that when men step into this sacred role, they are fulfilling their divine potential, balancing their own masculine and feminine energies, and helping create a world that is more harmonious, balanced, and peaceful.

Reclaiming the Role of Protector Through Life Activation

To step into this role of protector, men must first reconnect with their inner light. One of the most powerful ways to do this is through the Life Activation, an ancient healing modality from the lineage of King Salomon, preserved within the Modern Mystery School. Life Activation works by infusing light into the DNA, awakening dormant spiritual potential, and helping individuals reconnect with their higher purpose.

When men undergo a Life Activation, they realign with the divine masculine, rediscover their innate strength and purpose, and regain the clarity needed to protect and uplift others. This is a critical step on the path to reclaiming the role of protector and living in alignment with Hermetic principles.

Steps for Men to Reclaim Their Divine Role

Universal Ray Kabbalah
The Universal Ray Kabbalah program offers a deep dive into the Tree of Life, helping men ascend spiritually while integrating their divine masculine energies into every aspect of their lives.

Life Activation
The first step to becoming a true protector is the Life Activation. By undergoing this powerful healing process, men awaken their dormant spiritual potential, realign with their higher selves, and gain clarity on their purpose.

Empower Thyself and Initiation
Following the Life Activation, the Empower Thyself program offers initiation into the sacred Hermetic lineage of King Salomon. This initiation provides men with ancient tools and teachings that empower them to protect, uplift, and live in alignment with their divine purpose.

Healers Academy
For those who feel called to help others along their spiritual journey, the Healers Academy provides training to perform the Life Activation for others, further deepening their connection to the divine masculine and their role as a protector and healer.

Ritual Master Path
The Ritual Master Path is for men who seek to take on a leadership role in the spiritual realm. As a Ritual Master, men learn how to work with both light and dark energies, bringing balance to themselves and their communities, and acting as guardians of the light.

Conclusion: Embracing the Protector Within

In a world increasingly out of balance, the role of the protector is more important than ever. By embracing the divine masculine through the teachings of Hermetic wisdom, men can reclaim their true nature and act as guardians of light, balance, and harmony. Through practices like the Life Activation and the wisdom of the Modern Mystery School, men can awaken their spiritual potential and live as protectors of the divine balance between masculine and feminine energies.

It’s time for men to step up—not with force or aggression, but with wisdom, compassion, and a commitment to protecting what is sacred.

Are you ready to reclaim your role as protector? Start with a Life Activation and begin your journey toward living a life of purpose, strength, and harmony.

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Lisa J Healing, CO complementary Therapist in Milton Keynes

Lisa J

Blogger & Owner, Lisa J Healing

Stephanie Morris
30 April 2023

I have been attending the Max Meditation sessions with Lisa regularly for about 6 months now and can confidently say it’s changed so many aspects of my life and provided me with so many tools to live my empowered self 🧘‍♀️✨🌌 Before starting, I just couldn’t truly meditate, didn’t feel the point to it and got frustrated when people used to talk about the power of meditation. After the first session, I truly felt the power of meditation and the affect it has on my mind, body, soul, and the decisions I make every day for my highest self. I can not integrate the meditative tools at any moment to support me. I feel like my truest self and light can now shine freely and unapologetically. Lisa is an amazing mentor and support in the lives of so many 🤍💜💙💚💛🧡❤️

Meli Feyos
1 November 2022

I had the most amazing experience with Life Activation and would certainly recommend to anyone!Lisa’s knowledge and professionalism takes you to another level, l can’t recommend her highly enough.

Liz Duff
30 September 2022

Lisa is so welcoming and highly knowledgeable ☺️

Simona Calatozzo
16 September 2022
Jenna George
25 August 2022

Lisa is amazing at what she does, very welcoming, open and honest. I had the Cinderella Facial and it is by far my favourite treatment to have, products are gorgeous and it’s so relaxing and rejuvenating. Definitely recommend x

Jacqui Almond
21 July 2022

If I could give Lisa 10 stars then I would. My nails have been so weak due to going through cancer treatment. Lisa did my nail extensions for my nieces wedding and I've had 2 lots of infills since. They have all stayed in place for over 3 weeks at a time. Lisa is wonderful, she puts you at ease and will happily chat about anything and everything. Looking forward to having some healing therapy soon.

çindy wallis
18 May 2022

I had the huge pleasure of having Lisa's new Indian head massage treatment. I must say it is nothing like I have had before, and the effects it has had has been phenomenal. When Lisa initially said it will ground me, calm me etc I was thinking surely this is just a head massage! I was wrong. Gratefully so, I am calmer in my day to day, and I feel like I can actually face the world again! Highly recommended. As always Lisa is exceptionally gifted in what she does.


I'm very happy with my nails, which have won lots of admiration from friends and family. Lisa is lovely and gives a great, highly professional service.

Lisa Bartlett
29 April 2022

Wow! First time seeing Lisa and I had the Divine escape signature massage. I have never felt so relaxed and pampered in my life, a wonderfully indulgent treat and a must if you need to de-stress. I will most certainly be visiting again, such a lovely space and amazing therapist. Thank you Lisa

Natalie Burdett
8 February 2022

Lisa was very welcoming and professional and put me at ease straight away. I had a lava shell massage which was very relaxing and I was given a heated eye mask for added relaxation, a lovely touch. I definitely felt the difference afterwards. I would highly recommend her and have already booked my next treatment.

Linda Gristwood
6 February 2022

I had an amazing back massage with Lisa on Thursday. It was incredible, I felt so relaxed and think I fell asleep a couple of times. I have been having various treatments with Lisa for many years now. She is so professional, caring and always looking at ways to improve the services she offers.

Sonya Jolly
6 February 2022

Lisa is very nice and works very professionally. Her work place is clean. I felt very relaxed after my anti pollution facial and would highly recommend this service.

Sue Chesser
5 February 2022

Love seeing Lisa. Always feel good when I leave. Have been visiting Lisa for many years.

rhian hegarty
1 February 2022
Sheila Loveland
22 January 2022

Have been coming to Lisa for quite a few years now. Wouldn't go anywhere else. Always a relaxing 'me" time

Georgia A
11 November 2021

Excellent and careful execution of service. Lisa has a very professional and caring attitude.

Maggie Geaney
11 November 2021

After my nails suffering so badly with lockdown , one treatment by Lisa has restored them and I am back to being complimented on how fantastic they look . Forget the rest you should only use the best.

Simon Wise
16 November 2020

I had a distance reflexology/reiki session which to be honest I was sceptical about but I was completely blown away by it. The information and energy that Lisa picked on was incredible and I cannot recommend this service enough. Lisa picked on the colours that I was seeing and even the visualisations I was seeing too! I have moved from being a sceptic to someone starting out on my spiritual journey. Love and light 🙂

Tracy Vann
13 November 2020

highly recommend Lisa, very professional and excellent quality nails every time...wouldn't go anywhere else

Donna Moore
13 November 2020

I had a ekseption facial peel with Lisa. She was very professional and went through every step of the treatment very thoroughly so I had a very good understanding of the treatment and what to expect and talked me through the aftercare. The results were amazing my fine lines and wrinkles are a lot less visible and my skin feels smoother and looks healthier, I can't wait to start a course of facials to help my skin. Thank you Lisa xx

Sharon Howlett
13 November 2020

On Tuesday 15th November I had a 'Life Activation '. I have been going to Lisa for a few years now starting with nails and brows and as the Spiritual side of her business grew it helped me to grow in strength....both mentally and spiritually so the life activation was the next natural step. I wasn't nervous as I knew that I was safe with Lisa and I could trust her totally. After the Activation I felt different but it wasn't until the evening that I realised that I felt 'Complete' .... It's a very difficult feeling to express but I just feel calm and at peace with myself. I have for many years suffered with 'anxiety and depression' but now as soon as a negative thought gets into my head the 'problem' somehow gets sorted.....I write the solution down for my own benefit.....just incase I forget. Thankyou Lisa for being one of the most amazing people that I've ever met 💞

jayde berwick
13 November 2020

Lisa is a fantastic nail technician, her skill, knowledge and attention to detail are fantastic. Lisa took the time to discuss the different products and options for my nail service. I love that I can come with absolutely no idea what colour of design I want, and Lisa knows me so well that she creates amazing designs that are so me. My nails last so well. I highly recommend, and most of all it’s great to have a good chat and proper laugh 😆

Evette Walterson
13 November 2020

My first treatment very relaxing, closed my eyes I could feel my feet like pins and needles not hands, then all my relations that passed away came forward to say hello which was an amazing experience in its self, lisa managed to pick up all my health issues too, would I do it again hell yes 👍 everyday if I could 🤗

Tracy Abbott
8 January 2019
Tasha Ross
17 March 2018
Abbie Jones
9 September 2017
Lisa J Alsford
12 March 2017

Professional nails and beauty treatments. Massage specialist.

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