Cold Sores need this!

Cold sores…  ugh… aren’t they the bane of your life?  I mean we forget most of the time that we even suffer their presence BUT when they show…  ouch!

cold sore treatment using essential oils

Cold sores are the visible blisters of the herpes simplex virus and are triggered when we are run down.  When our immunity is low they get the chance to pop along the nerve and make an unwanted appearance  
Around the lips, chin and nose are common places but they can affect other areas too.0c

Treatment is usually with cream or patches but these can also be unsightly with smears of white around the lips and or flappy plastic patches looking like loose skin.

Use this simple aromatherapy blend for treatment which reduces swelling, inflammation, itching and the length of time the cold sore is around.
One drop to one drop of each essential oil or a 1 to 1 ratio and use topically…  ONLY on the affected area.

I apply every couple of hours in the first day using a cotton bud, fresh one each time and dispose of carefully without touching the used ends. 

Tea tree and Rosalina are both melaleuca (tea tree family) that work synergistically meaning their combined properties are more effective than when used individually. 
They both have antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial properties and are antiseptic.  They will reduce inflammation and help with pain relief as well as supporting the immune system.

Interestingly this combination can also be used to treat nail fungus when applied similarly to nail polish on the affected toenail once or twice a day.  The new nail will grow without the fungus.  The fungal portion of the nail will grow out but will not visibly improve.

Let me know if this is helpful to you or if you try it

Lots of love ❤️

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