Alchemy, Hermetics, and the Meaning of Life: A Journey to the Divine

An image symbolizing the Hermetic principle of Mentalism, with a glowing mind floating in a cosmic background.

The mysteries of life and existence have captivated the human spirit for millennia. From ancient texts to modern spiritual movements, we have sought to answer the big questions: *Why are we here? What is our purpose? Two powerful spiritual frameworks, alchemy and Hermeticism, provide us with a deeply profound and timeless guide to unlocking these mysteries. These traditions not only offer a philosophical understanding of the universe but also serve as practical tools for personal transformation.

Alchemy: The Great Work of Transformation

Alchemy is often misunderstood as an ancient practice of turning base metals into gold. But this practice goes far beyond the material; alchemy is, in essence, the spiritual journey of transforming the self into something far more divine. In its truest sense, alchemy is the process of refining the soul—taking the “lead” of our lower nature, with all its imperfections, doubts, and fears, and transmuting it into the “gold” of spiritual enlightenment.This journey, known as the Magnum Opus (Great Work), is not an external one, but an inward path. Through the lens of alchemy, life is about self-mastery, inner purification, and reaching our highest potential. The alchemist’s work reflects the universal law that all things can evolve and elevate, including the human soul.

The four stages of alchemy offer us a clear roadmap:

1. Nigredo (Blackening) – The initial phase where old structures, beliefs, and false identities are broken down. This often feels like darkness or confusion, but it is necessary for true transformation to begin.

2. Albedo (Whitening) – In this stage, purification occurs. The soul begins to cleanse itself, removing the impurities of fear and illusion, allowing for clarity and renewal.

3. Citrinitas (Yellowing) – The stage of illumination. Here, the wisdom and insight gathered from the previous phases begin to bloom, and the soul starts to shine with inner light.

4. Rubedo (Reddening) – The final stage of integration and rebirth. The self is fully transformed into its highest form, and the soul stands in alignment with its divine nature, living from a place of wisdom, power, and love.

Through these stages, alchemy teaches us that the meaning of life is transformation. We are here to continually refine ourselves, elevate our consciousness, and live in harmony with the divine energies of the universe.

Hermeticism: The Key to Universal Truths

Hermeticism is an ancient spiritual tradition that complements alchemy, offering us insights into the laws that govern the universe. Attributed to the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, Hermeticism presents the Seven Hermetic Principles, which form the foundation for understanding the nature of reality and our place within it.

Let’s explore these principles and how they offer profound insights into the meaning of life:

  1. The Principle of Mentalism – ”The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.” This principle teaches us that everything begins with thought and consciousness. Our reality is shaped by the mind, and by mastering our thoughts, we can transform our lives. Life’s meaning is, in part, to master the mind and understand that we are co-creators of the universe.
  2. The Principle of Correspondence – ”As above, so below; as below, so above.” This principle reflects the interconnectedness of all things. What happens in the microcosm reflects the macrocosm. Life is about recognizing these patterns and understanding that we are part of a larger divine order. What we do within ourselves influences the world around us.
  3. The Principle of Vibration – ”Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” Everything in the universe is in constant motion. The meaning of life, through this principle, is to raise our vibration through love, wisdom, and enlightenment, aligning ourselves with higher spiritual truths.
  4. The Principle of Polarity – ”Everything is dual; everything has poles.” Life is full of opposites: light and dark, joy and sorrow, love and fear. Hermeticism teaches us that opposites are just varying degrees of the same thing. Mastery comes from being able to transmute lower energies into higher ones, using this principle to navigate the dualities of life.
  5. The Principle of Rhythm – ”Everything flows, out and in.” Life moves in cycles, just like the seasons. By understanding the natural rhythm of life, we can flow with the tides of existence, embracing both highs and lows as part of our journey.
  6. The Principle of Cause and Effect – ”Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.” Life operates on a chain of cause and effect. Through this principle, we learn that every action we take has a ripple in the universe. Living consciously means taking responsibility for our actions and aligning them with higher values.
  7. The Principle of Gender – ”Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles.” This principle reminds us of the balance that exists in all things. By harmonizing our own masculine and feminine energies (logic and intuition, action and nurturing), we find balance in our lives. The meaning of life, in this sense, is to achieve equilibrium within ourselves.

The Intersection of Alchemy and Hermetics: Living a Life of Meaning

At the heart of both alchemy and Hermeticism lies a single truth: the purpose of life is to evolve spiritually. These traditions remind us that life is a journey of growth, where every experience—joyful or painful—serves as an opportunity to refine our spirit and expand our consciousness.Alchemy offers the process, the path of inner transformation, while Hermeticism provides the universal laws by which we can navigate that path. Together, they create a blueprint for living a life of purpose, meaning, and spiritual evolution.

But how do we bring these ideas into our daily lives?

  • Practice Self-Mastery: Start by observing your thoughts, actions, and emotions. Are they aligned with the person you wish to become? Use the alchemical process of refinement to shed old patterns that no longer serve you.
  • Apply Hermetic Principles: Meditate on the Hermetic Principles and see how they manifest in your life. For instance, in moments of difficulty, use the Principle of Polarity to see how you can shift your perspective and transmute lower energies into higher ones.
  • Seek Initiation: True transformation often requires guidance and initiation. Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation are paths that allow you to begin this deep work. They offer ancient tools and wisdom that go beyond surface-level spirituality, connecting you directly to the source of divine knowledge.

The Meaning of Life: To Evolve and Align with the Divine

Alchemy and Hermeticism reveal that the meaning of life is to evolve, grow, and align ourselves with divine consciousness. We are here to experience the process of transformation, to become more aligned with the universal laws, and to live in harmony with the rhythms of the cosmos.As we evolve, we unlock higher potentials of love, wisdom, and power. This is the journey of the soul: to transform our base nature into spiritual gold, to live in accordance with the Hermetic principles, and to realize our divine essence.

Begin Your Alchemical Journey

Are you ready to embrace the meaning of life through transformation and divine alignment? Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation are powerful tools that can unlock this ancient wisdom within you, guiding you to a life of purpose, power, and spiritual growth.

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Lisa J Healing, CO complementary Therapist in Milton Keynes

Lisa J

Blogger & Owner, Lisa J Healing

Stephanie Morris
30 April 2023

I have been attending the Max Meditation sessions with Lisa regularly for about 6 months now and can confidently say it’s changed so many aspects of my life and provided me with so many tools to live my empowered self 🧘‍♀️✨🌌 Before starting, I just couldn’t truly meditate, didn’t feel the point to it and got frustrated when people used to talk about the power of meditation. After the first session, I truly felt the power of meditation and the affect it has on my mind, body, soul, and the decisions I make every day for my highest self. I can not integrate the meditative tools at any moment to support me. I feel like my truest self and light can now shine freely and unapologetically. Lisa is an amazing mentor and support in the lives of so many 🤍💜💙💚💛🧡❤️

Meli Feyos
1 November 2022

I had the most amazing experience with Life Activation and would certainly recommend to anyone!Lisa’s knowledge and professionalism takes you to another level, l can’t recommend her highly enough.

Liz Duff
30 September 2022

Lisa is so welcoming and highly knowledgeable ☺️

Simona Calatozzo
16 September 2022
Jenna George
25 August 2022

Lisa is amazing at what she does, very welcoming, open and honest. I had the Cinderella Facial and it is by far my favourite treatment to have, products are gorgeous and it’s so relaxing and rejuvenating. Definitely recommend x

Jacqui Almond
21 July 2022

If I could give Lisa 10 stars then I would. My nails have been so weak due to going through cancer treatment. Lisa did my nail extensions for my nieces wedding and I've had 2 lots of infills since. They have all stayed in place for over 3 weeks at a time. Lisa is wonderful, she puts you at ease and will happily chat about anything and everything. Looking forward to having some healing therapy soon.

çindy wallis
18 May 2022

I had the huge pleasure of having Lisa's new Indian head massage treatment. I must say it is nothing like I have had before, and the effects it has had has been phenomenal. When Lisa initially said it will ground me, calm me etc I was thinking surely this is just a head massage! I was wrong. Gratefully so, I am calmer in my day to day, and I feel like I can actually face the world again! Highly recommended. As always Lisa is exceptionally gifted in what she does.


I'm very happy with my nails, which have won lots of admiration from friends and family. Lisa is lovely and gives a great, highly professional service.

Lisa Bartlett
29 April 2022

Wow! First time seeing Lisa and I had the Divine escape signature massage. I have never felt so relaxed and pampered in my life, a wonderfully indulgent treat and a must if you need to de-stress. I will most certainly be visiting again, such a lovely space and amazing therapist. Thank you Lisa

Natalie Burdett
8 February 2022

Lisa was very welcoming and professional and put me at ease straight away. I had a lava shell massage which was very relaxing and I was given a heated eye mask for added relaxation, a lovely touch. I definitely felt the difference afterwards. I would highly recommend her and have already booked my next treatment.

Linda Gristwood
6 February 2022

I had an amazing back massage with Lisa on Thursday. It was incredible, I felt so relaxed and think I fell asleep a couple of times. I have been having various treatments with Lisa for many years now. She is so professional, caring and always looking at ways to improve the services she offers.

Sonya Jolly
6 February 2022

Lisa is very nice and works very professionally. Her work place is clean. I felt very relaxed after my anti pollution facial and would highly recommend this service.

Sue Chesser
5 February 2022

Love seeing Lisa. Always feel good when I leave. Have been visiting Lisa for many years.

rhian hegarty
1 February 2022
Sheila Loveland
22 January 2022

Have been coming to Lisa for quite a few years now. Wouldn't go anywhere else. Always a relaxing 'me" time

Georgia A
11 November 2021

Excellent and careful execution of service. Lisa has a very professional and caring attitude.

Maggie Geaney
11 November 2021

After my nails suffering so badly with lockdown , one treatment by Lisa has restored them and I am back to being complimented on how fantastic they look . Forget the rest you should only use the best.

Simon Wise
16 November 2020

I had a distance reflexology/reiki session which to be honest I was sceptical about but I was completely blown away by it. The information and energy that Lisa picked on was incredible and I cannot recommend this service enough. Lisa picked on the colours that I was seeing and even the visualisations I was seeing too! I have moved from being a sceptic to someone starting out on my spiritual journey. Love and light 🙂

Tracy Vann
13 November 2020

highly recommend Lisa, very professional and excellent quality nails every time...wouldn't go anywhere else

Donna Moore
13 November 2020

I had a ekseption facial peel with Lisa. She was very professional and went through every step of the treatment very thoroughly so I had a very good understanding of the treatment and what to expect and talked me through the aftercare. The results were amazing my fine lines and wrinkles are a lot less visible and my skin feels smoother and looks healthier, I can't wait to start a course of facials to help my skin. Thank you Lisa xx

Sharon Howlett
13 November 2020

On Tuesday 15th November I had a 'Life Activation '. I have been going to Lisa for a few years now starting with nails and brows and as the Spiritual side of her business grew it helped me to grow in strength....both mentally and spiritually so the life activation was the next natural step. I wasn't nervous as I knew that I was safe with Lisa and I could trust her totally. After the Activation I felt different but it wasn't until the evening that I realised that I felt 'Complete' .... It's a very difficult feeling to express but I just feel calm and at peace with myself. I have for many years suffered with 'anxiety and depression' but now as soon as a negative thought gets into my head the 'problem' somehow gets sorted.....I write the solution down for my own benefit.....just incase I forget. Thankyou Lisa for being one of the most amazing people that I've ever met 💞

jayde berwick
13 November 2020

Lisa is a fantastic nail technician, her skill, knowledge and attention to detail are fantastic. Lisa took the time to discuss the different products and options for my nail service. I love that I can come with absolutely no idea what colour of design I want, and Lisa knows me so well that she creates amazing designs that are so me. My nails last so well. I highly recommend, and most of all it’s great to have a good chat and proper laugh 😆

Evette Walterson
13 November 2020

My first treatment very relaxing, closed my eyes I could feel my feet like pins and needles not hands, then all my relations that passed away came forward to say hello which was an amazing experience in its self, lisa managed to pick up all my health issues too, would I do it again hell yes 👍 everyday if I could 🤗

Tracy Abbott
8 January 2019
Tasha Ross
17 March 2018
Abbie Jones
9 September 2017
Lisa J Alsford
12 March 2017

Professional nails and beauty treatments. Massage specialist.

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